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Case studies

Herbolario Salud Natural is a business founded in 2012 by Sergio Álvaro and Susana Palomares in Madrid. It began as a physical store offering…

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Magento has officially announced the end-of-life date for Magento 1. After a decade worth of development, the e-commerce platform will no longer…


MultiSafepay has integrated Trustly as a payment method to its range of products. Founded in 2008, Trustly is a rapidly growing payment method with…


In the last few years, the European online payment landscape has drastically changed, and the European Commission took action to adjust regulations…

The 13th edition of the Webwinkel Vakdagen 2019 was a great success again! More than 12.000 visitors convened over two days at the Jaarbeurs in…


As a webshop owner it is very important and relevant to know who your customers are and where they are from. Also, what payment methods and devices do…

MultiSafepay development department just released the new Magento 1 and Magento 2 plugins. From now on, you can take advantage of a new free feature…


E-invoicing is the new, smart and automated way to process e-invoices with MultiSafepay. With E-invoicing, you have complete control over the entire…


As of 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR) came into effect. This is why, we updated our Privacy & Cookies and integrated it…


Nowadays the online shopping experience is not merely determined by what happens within the online shop itself, the interaction with the consumer…

On July the 25th, MultiSafepay released the new Shopware plugin, with new exclusive features. The new Shopware plugin was developed in-house for…


On June the 9th, the update to the MultiSafepay Control app was released offering even more features and a fresh new design, exclusive to MultiSafepay…


E-commerce turnover in both Spain and Italy steadily increases. Spanish e-commerce is expected to reach 28 Billions this year, describing an increase…


As of 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR) will go into effect. This European privacy legislation gives individuals a voice…


Come ha detto il commissario europeo per la concorrenza, la danese Margrethe Vestager : "Many consumers use payment cards every day in shops or online


There is a significant difference in cost between retaining your customers and attracting new ones. Generally, attracting new customers is much more…

Shopware recently launched a new customer and retailer friendly version of their software. Shopware 5.3 has several new features, including templates…


Though approximately 77% of  companies have a (corporate) website, only 18% of these companies actually use their website as a sales channel. This is…


Earlier this month, the European Commission announced its plans to launch a website containing all international delivery rates. The Commission…