MultiSafepay launches fully custom Mirakl x Magento 2 payment integration
To achieve that goal, we enlisted the help of one of our longtime partners, E-TALES. With their guidance, we built a payment integration for Mirakl, fully focused on handling the complex payment infrastructure needed for international growth.
E-TALES is a dedicated group of developers, designers, and creators - driven by a passion for digital development. Here at MultiSafepay, we love working with kindred spirits, and E-TALES is precisely that. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into what led to our joint effort and what the result has become.
Let’s get into it.
First off, why Mirakl?
One of the focal points for our client was the desire to have an infrastructure that scales easily internationally. If your business functions as a platform or marketplace, you must have heard of the Mirakl platform. Used by giants such as Coca-Cola, Airbus, MediaMarkt, and Toyota, Mirakl has a reputation as the premier middleware solution for such business structures.
With that in mind, it was no surprise that our client expressed their desire to use the Mirakl middleware for their platform infrastructure. Also, the MultiSafepay Magento 2 integration has established itself as one of the best payment integrations on the market, housing a large variety of innovative solutions and advanced connections to major progressive web applications.
Putting two and two together, our client’s desired combination was the MultiSafepay Magento 2 integration and the Mirakl middleware solution. The roadblock here was that our current Magento integration had no compatibility with Mirakl (yet). Luckily, this is where all the knowledge and capabilities of E-TALES came into play - helping us lay out the plan to build a full-suite solution: combining the Magento 2 front end with the Mirakl infrastructure and the MultiSafepay payment interface.
So, with that knowledge in the back of our minds, it was time to get to work.
The solution: A custom, refined payment integration for Mirakl
MultiSafepay’s in-house capabilities are perfectly engineered for a situation like this one, so we set our engineers to work learning the intricacies of this platform. We constructed our integration so the marketplace operator has as much control over the money flow as possible. By incorporating the various Mirakl APIs into our Magento / Mirakl integration, only relevant information is provided to the platform sellers while maintaining operational efficiency and simplicity for the marketplace operator.
Translating complexity into simplicity
With a platform like Mirakl, products often come from different markets and sellers. Within Mirakl, the platform operator can configure different commissions and fees for the sellers on their platform. This infrastructure leads to orders containing products from various countries with different regulations, and various commissions and fees come into play – which can result in a highly complex transaction structure overall.
That complexity is one of Mirakl's strong suits, allowing the operator to refine and scale their marketplace operations as necessary. The Mirakl APIs are excellent at dictating the required actions to complete the complex structure mentioned above. In our setup, the Mirakl API feeds us a data package containing the logic as to how the incoming money must flow, and our integration translates this logic into a variety of actions to be performed by our API. Leading to a variable commission model, deducting fees, and splitting incoming funds between the different seller accounts.

The different sellers on the platform are only provided with the order information needed to complete their part of the transaction. The operator keeps a complete overview of what’s happening to the money flow.
Let’s dive into a couple more features we’ve included in the integration.
Mirakl - Pay-in
As a marketplace where subsidiaries promote and sell their products, controlling where the money goes is crucial. Leveraging our existing platform features and payment knowledge, our integration incorporated the Mirakl Pay-in module to ensure all incoming payments are correctly routed toward each seller's account. Either by a fixed amount or a percentage, the marketplace operator is in control of the money flow.
Mirakl - Pay-out
Where money goes in, money must go out. Because, generally speaking, each seller has their own MultiSafepay account (and balance), the funds can easily be moved to the seller's account at any time. The operator can orchestrate the pay-out process through their dashboard or API to simplify operational management.
MultiSafepay - onboarding
While Mirakl has an excellent onboarding flow, we like to keep our onboarding in-house to ensure the sellers comply with our requirements. Also, the MultiSafepay onboarding flow gets sellers live in as little as 15 minutes. With a platform like Mirakl and marketplaces in general, having swift onboarding is crucial, which we ensured in our integration. Another thing to note is that existing seller accounts can be incorporated into the Mirakl integration, allowing the marketplace operator to add them to their marketplace hierarchy.
The result: Future-proof payments
With this interconnected system running, the springboard for international growth for MultiSafepay and E-TALES clients is officially up and running.
Mirakl is a great tool for accessing entirely new customer segments and essentially keep scaling indefinitely.
Operations-wise, we've ensured that the different sellers on the platform only see what's relevant to them. For example, if an order contains items from five sellers, the individual sellers are only shown the order information for their products – keeping their administration simple and clutter-free. The operator has an overview of these transactions and can see everything happening.
In all the years of working with MultiSafepay, we’ve come to know them as a party always on top of the partnership and development side of things. That’s why we were happy to join forces and help them build a bespoke payment integration for Mirakl.”
We always believe that the best partnerships are ones where input and work come from both sides, and our collaboration with E-TALES has been just that. Together, we have grown over the years, and the fruit of those efforts is this Mirakl integration that they can now enjoy for the coming years.